Simon Stephens’ Tony Award-winning adaptation of Mark Haddon’s popular novel, “Stephens: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime” opens at the AT&T Performing Arts Center in Dallas on January 11, 2017.The show, which is directed by Marianne Elliot, follows the tale of an exceptionally intelligent but socially inept teenager named Christopher who unduly falls under suspicion for killing his neighbor’s pet dog. As he investigates the case in order to discover the true culprit, he finds the world is far stranger and more complicated than he could have imagined. The production runs for approximately two and a half hours and parental advisory is recommended due to the use of some strong language.The show opens at the AT&T Performing Arts Center, 2403 Flora Street #500, Dallas 75201 on January 11, 2017 and runs through January 22, 2017.For details, visit: www.attpac.orgClick on the slideshow for a sneak peek of the production