The National School of Drama presents the much-awaited “National Poorvottar Rang Utsav,” a five-day festival of plays from the northeastern states, from November 26-30, 2016, to be held in Delhi, Jammu, Amritsar and Bengaluru. In New Delhi the Utsav gets underway on November 26, with the staging of the multilingual Bipin Kumar production “Ab Aur Nahi,” presented by the Sikkim Theatre Training Centre.Five different plays from the North East Region, namely Asim Kumar Nath’s “Life Canvas,” “Amamba Leibaki Mathong Huktaba Ningthou” directed by Pukhrambam Khogendro Singh, “Nawor” directed by Sahidul Haque and “Nougban Soura” by Loitongbam Paringanba will be staged. The performances will be held at Abhimanch Auditorium daily at 6.30 pm.The festival is on at Abhimanch Auditorium, NSD Campus, Bahawalpur House, 1 Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi - 110 001, India.Click on the slideshow for a sneak peek of the plays.