“Love True,” a documentary film by Israeli-American music video and film director Alma Har'el, known for Bombay Beach that won the Tribeca’s Best Documentary Feature Award in 2011, will be screened at Curzon Bloomsbury, Soho, on February 8, 2017.The film uniquely depicts the challenges that love poses and how our past and present experiences that shape our decisions, when expectations and reality collides and the notion of true love dissipates. The plot follows three different love stories based in different American landscapes and uses cinematic expressions of memories from the past and future. “Love True” uses a combination of follow-along footage, artful camerawork, and scenes to depict the past, present, and future of the characters.The screening will take place at Curzon Bloomsbury, Soho, 99 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1D 5DY. For details, visit: http://www.curzoncinemas.com/Click on the slideshow for a sneak peek of the film.