Berlin’s Tilsiter Lichtspiele Cinema is playing American western drama “The Rider” through August 15.The film is written, produced and directed by Chloe Zhao. It stars Brady Jandreau, Lilly Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, Lane Scott, and Cat Clifford and was mostly shot in the wilderness of South Dakota. It premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on May 20, 2017 in the Directors’ Fortnight section of the festival. Here, the film won the Art Cinema Award. It was released in theaters in the U.S. on April 13, 2018.“The Rider” is a moving tale of human predicament and how at times we are forced by destiny to change the course of our ambition and desires. The film follows the life of Brady, who lives in financial poverty with his father Tim and his younger sister Lilly, who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome. Brady use to be a rising star in the rodeo circuit, but a mishap during a bull riding competition caused him severe brain damage that paralyzed the motor functions in his right hand and left him prone to seizures. Doctors have strongly advised him never to ride again or else his seizures will only worsen.Brady finds solace in his friend Lane and regularly visits him. After a similar bull riding accident, Lane too suffers from severe brain damage and lives in a care facility. Meanwhile, Brady’s father hardly does anything to look after his family. He squanders all his money on drinking and gambling. He also sells away Gus, their horse to help keep their trailer. Hugely disappointed Brady takes up a job as a store clerk to try and raise money for the family.With the little savings of his, he wants to buy a new horse but is quite taken aback when his father buys one for him. Brady develops a very strong bond with the new horse, just like he had with Gus in the past. Though strongly warned not to ride horses, Brady refuses to do so, which aggravates his brain injury causing him to have a near-fatal seizure. In spite of the repeated warnings he takes part in a rodeo competition.Nathan Halpern has scored the film’s music and Joshua James Richards has done the cinematography. Alex O’Flinn is the film’s editor. Produced by Highwayman Films, “The Rider” has been distributed by Sony Pictures Classics.The film will be on view through August 15, 2018 at Tilsiter Lichtspiele GbR, Richard-Sorge-Straße 25a, 10249 Berlin-Friedrichshain.For details, visit on the slideshow for a sneak peek at the film. Founder: Louise Blouin