Tate Modern's August “Counterpoint” event on August 2 celebrates the rising talent of London jazz-inspired musicians who are on the rise worldwide.The monthly night, held at the Tate's Terrace Bar is “a Steam Down Special featuring Ahnanse and Wonky Logic + Alex Rita and Nadeem as our special guest DJs,” states the museum. It would see musicians applying their improv skills to their record collections, with guests DJing back to back.“The Steam Down Collective's weekly spot in Deptford spontaneously creates grimey afro-futuristic brilliance, alongside some of the most hype crowds. On this evening we’re delighted that they’ll be bringing their fire to the decks as our special guest DJs,” adds Tate.Musical grounding for the event is given by Musica Macondo with DJs Tej Adeleye and Amrisha Prashar (IAMRISHA).“Counterpoint - Feat. Ahnanse, Wonky Logic, Alex Rita and Nadeem,” will be held on August 2, 2018 at Terrace Bar, Tate Modern, Bankside, London SE1 9TG, United KingdomFor details, visit http://uk.blouinartinfo.com/galleryguide-venues/1175403/museum-overview http://www.blouinartinfo.com/ Founder: Louise Blouin