The story of the legendary fourth-century Buddhist scholar and translator Kumarajiva is coming to Singapore’s Victoria Theatre this May through a collaboration between the theater company Toy Factory and the Foo Han Monastery.The production, from the Toy Factory’s founding artistic director Goh Boon Teck, will run May 28-29. This week, we spoke to Goh about his latest show.Explain the character of Kumarajiva to someone unfamiliar with his story.Kumarajiva is the leading figure in translating Buddhist texts from Sanskrit to Chinese—pivotal in bridging these two cultures. He is recognized as the enlightening force of Buddhism in the Chinese-speaking world. His concise translations of key scriptures are unsurpassed—till this day still widely regarded as both literary and Buddhist treasures.How much did you know about Kumarajiva before you started directing this play?Very little in fact, but that was eight months ago. Now, I feel strongly about him—as well as “closer” to him after months of intensive research. You can say Kumarajiva is “living” inside me now.What do you think a modern audience will learn from the story of Kumarajiva?There is much to learn and think about from the story of Kumarajiva! To consider and set out to do something useful and meaningful in life in your own way. And having the focus, determination, discipline, and resolve to see it through to the end is something that is getting rarer these days.In the press release your production is called “a refreshing, stylized yet approachable interpretation.” Can you explain your approach?We will be applying contemporary and stylish designs to this tale, which is over 1,600 years old. We hope to connect with the audience through various elements. The audience will be treated to a set against the backdrop of flowing lines; falling sand; paper puppets specially created by an Australian sculptor; exotic and vibrant “Xin Jiang” or Uyghur costumes; dramatic lighting designs; soul-stirring world music; and energetic performances by celebrated young actors.What made you want to put on this play?I feel there is lack of seriousness in the art world, and I hope to share the deeper, more profound, and sophisticated thoughts of Kumarajiva with a larger audience.This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.