Zephyr Theatre in Los Angeles will be staging the World Premiere of the play “The Last Vig” from January 14, 2017 through February 19, 2017.“The Last Vig” is a comedy featuring Academy Award nominated actor Burt Young of ‘Rocky’ fame in the lead playing the role of ‘Big Joe,’ an aging mobster whose power is fading away with the changing time. Written and directed by David Varriale, the play explores through Big Joe’s struggle for existence in the company of his hip-hop loving assistant Bocce and his old friend Jimmy “The Fixer” D through one last gamble on the $100,000 he owes. Burt Young is accompanied by a supporting cast featuring Ben Adams, Clint Jung, Bruce Nozick, and Gareth Williams with the original music by Jeff Babko.The play will be staged at 7456 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90046, United States.For tickets and other details, visit: http://www.zephyrtheatre.com/Click on the slideshow for the profiles of the artists.