‘Yellow Tin Can Telephone’ short film would be screened at Cannes Short Film Corner from May 17 through May 28, 2017. This short film made in India, is a quirky love story between a girl who is over sensitive to sound and a boy who is hypersensitive to colour and how they find ways to converse with each other. It was the official closing film at The South Asian International Film Festival (SAIFF) on Dec 4, 2016. It has also been shown as an official selection at River to River festival, Florence on Dec 5, 2016. Mentored by Homi Adajania, directed by Arunima Sharma, it features Asimah Mirza and Shikhar Misra in leading roles. The film will also be released in selected theatres in India on December 16, 2016, as a part of omnibus film ‘Shor se Shuruaat.’ For trailer, visit: https://youtu.be/KsyNm2tazRkFor details, visit: www.cannescourtmetrage.comClick on the slideshow for a sneak peek at the film.