'Peechha Karti Parchhaiyan', an intriguingly intense and thought provoking play will be staged at NCPA – Experimental, Mumbai on December 18, 2016. Surnai Foundation and Ila Arun bring for the first time to South Mumbai, the entertaining and thought provoking play in Hindi, an adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's 'Ghosts', with a superb cast. When an ex-royal family comes together for a reunion, the ghosts of their past deeds come to haunt them and most uncannily history seems to repeat itself. Directed by K. K. Raina, the cast includes Ila Arun, K. K. Raina, Rahul Bagga, Gaurav Amlani and Donna Munshi.The play will be staged at The Experimental Theatre (NCPA), Sir Dorab Tata Road, NCPA Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400021, India. For details, visit, www.ncpamumbai.comClick on the Slideshow for a sneak peek at the show.